Conr tortillas were good with their ground turkey. I used this coffee creamer to make Overnight Oats and was really happy with the results. Thanks for all the info! How did you find out that these products were LID safe? Between 2008 and 2012 I purchased all my dairy products there because they were cheaper than the regular grocery store. Oct 14, 2022 @ 00:23:56, You are so welcome! I think So Delicious has a soy-free, LID-safe style cheese substitute. Thank you so much for this list of allowed foods! Is it really helpful to place plastic around computers and phones. Its a brand new bed bought at christmasIt has a water proof bed lineris it safe or should I sleep on an airbed? Are you sure you want to block this member? So I cut up the hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato and onions and seasoned it all with the stuff I brought with me and made it into somewhat of a taco salad with my unsalted chips! The David brand does not contained iodized salt. I cannot determine if I should or should not include Nutrisystem foods during LID.. Purchased at Whole Foods. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. , Pepperidge Farm Jewish Rye (Seedless or not) Bread . Yes TJ's is a wonderful store for LID items! Will continue to buy these after the LID! Anyone besides me gluten free and facing the LID? Jan 16, 2023 @ 20:14:36. I am finding that the opposite is true, I am having a hard time keeping my sugars up enough because my endo does not want my sugars below 90 but so far I am barely there!!! ;-). I burned all my energy and then some but I am thankful I went to be there for grandma and my family! Thanks!! I highly recommend LID Life Community ( as a resource. These TJ spreads do not contain any. -Trader Joe's unsalted nuts (I like the "Just a Handful of Dry Roasted Unsalted Almonds"-- they come in individual serving packs--great for a quick snack) Bridget Thompson Doc has me on LID for basically 5 weeks. I used it to cook a chicken dish that my family loved! I started today on LID and I must say quite confusing. In an attempt to try to stay sane, and of course do my best to make the RAI treatment effective, I've been trying to eat everything in moderation, just in case something I'm consuming has a high iodine content. Pringles Original and Lightly Salted Original Pringles are both LID-safe. Mashed Butternut Squash - Cut a butternut squash into cubes. Find other members in this community to connect with. * Loads of raw nuts (pistachio's, cashews, walnuts, pecans, etc) Beef flavor bouillon. Do you know of any other cheese substitutes? Having this bread will save me time since I wont have to be making bread from scratch. It is flavored, but has no sweeteners and no sodium (LaCroix, Perrier, Trader Joe's sparkling water). Seeing it all written out helps me to think about everything that I can have on a low iodine diet instead of what I cannot have. Its easy to do in the crockpot. Hope to hear from you! They have Unsalted, Organic White Corn Tortilla Chips and they are amazing, just not salty. I have been reading through postsand trying to answer my questions through those so as not to bother anyonebut geez that takes too much timeso I have decided to postand many of you veterans will find yourself repeating yourself and for that I apologize. IBS/Crohn's LID considerations- slideshow video, The Low Iodine Diet, Tips, Ideas & Recipes, My LID Pinterest Board- info resources/food/snack/product ideas, Low Iodine Free Cookbook- 100+ pages of recipes- PDF, LID Recipe Book- from Thyroid Cancer Canada, Thyroid Cancer Basics- 56 page PDF overview from ThyCa, Check Your Neck- Free Low Iodine Cookbook, Dr. Oz short video "How to Test Your Thyroid", Thyroid Cancer Survivors Assn.- Excellent Resouce. This product does contain sodium caseinate (a milk derivative). It includes the west Frisian island of Texel off its northern tip. Can anyone confirm.. I have also enjoyed their fire roasted no salt salsa. Lots of sorbet options out there- most with zero sodium. I don't think the ground beef is USDA organic, but it is from TJs. It doesnt taste half bad. I loved their unsalted tortilla chips, and the unsalted nuts at TJ's were the best!! Has anyone eaten "conventional" ground beef on the diet? On my second round of LID, I started calling, emailing, or sending Facebook messages to different food companies (many products have the contact info on the label). Hard to believe you can have bacon on LID. Of course, there may be regional differences so you should always check the ingredients list. After that grandpa wanted another smoke so we walked out so he could have a smoke and get that "load" off his chest so to speak :) He walked with us up to the valet service and waited until the car was brought up. 100% Natural -Good blogs that you can adapt recipes from: I have read that you should just keep all the clothes you wear in the room with you and not wash them for like 8 days to allow radiation to dissipate. Hi! It does get easier each time. Uncle Ben's Ready Rice Brown Basmati - it is said that basmati rice is the best rice for LID because it has a lower amount of naturally occurring iodine. Doing RAI at home. Used this product as base for pasta sauce. Im so glad you found the site useful. They have a list (with pictures) of LID-safe foods from the grocery store and even LID-safe food from restaurants. and I know from inquiries Unilever & Frito Lay do not use iodized salt. You can have pasta and LID-safe bread (dough conditioners found in commercial breads contains iodine), so I am pretty certain enriched flour is not a problem. I didnt have guidance for LID from my oncologist or any other doctor. This is day 3 of my LID and I'm not gonna liethis is tough! Thank you so much for posting this. Far better than last year's LID diet. Thanks, Kareylynn! Purchased at Fresh Market. and what about chicken or vegetable there a company that is LID safe? Her cardiac team came in before hand several times to go over the surgery with all of us there (grandma, grandpa, mom, me and a family friend) and told us to expect her to be in surgery at least 3 hours but anywhere from 3-4 to be on the safe side. Stick to the guidelines and you should be fine. Hi Question.. I am also dairy (milk products) free, but almost no need to mention that since milk is not allowed on the LID anyway. But Im just eating a lot of basmati rice, unsalted French fries, baked potatoes (not skin) unsalted tortilla chips, unsalted pretzels, Hellmans Vegan Mayo, Hash browns, and egg whites. I have Celiac Dermititis Herpetiformis which iodine acts as an irritant. This sure helped! Flowers. Broccoli), -Black Bean Salad with Corn, Red Peppers, Avocado, -Roasted Cauliflower with Red Chile, Cilantro, and Lime, -Grilled Corn, Tomatoes and Avocado Salad. Best wishes! Time and time again I was told that they did not use iodized salt and if they did it would be listed as iodized salt in the ingredients list. I cannot say enough about how much this website is helping me both emotionally and information wise! It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. The "fixings" were all fresh had no seasoning on them at all. I use Morton's kosher salt in my kitchen, everyday. It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. They have two other flavors, Vanilla and Hazelnut. -Trader Joe's Organic Banana Chips Organic Bragg's Hawaiian fat free apple cider and tropical fruits with ginger dressing. I did see sea salt on some things which isn't ok!! Used for the Homemade LID Snack Bar recipe. It does melt and add a cheese-like creaminess. First time looking at your site. Thank you so much! FYI, this bread doesnt contain salt or dough conditioners. I do most of my shopping at Trader Joe's and only get a few from the local markets. -I made the lemon pesto rice with portabello mushrooms-I used brown basmati rice (whole foods brand), substituted walnuts for almonds (since I had a whole bag of walnuts on hand), and used Braggs premium nutritional yeast seasoning (found at whole foods). I am starting the lid again Monday and I saw on a post that trader Joe's has a butter spread that is approved. Hello all real quick question. 18 g whole grain. Glad to see Publix brands too! Kens Steakhouse Zesty Italian dressing this dressing is great to have on hand for salads (and to use as a marinade). I typically drink tap water, or water from a Brita filter at home, and water from a water dispenser at the office (not sure what kind). : ) But, its better than any other vegan cheese I have ever tasted and it does not contain soy ingredients. Thanks, Kareylynn. The ingredients of the shreds are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, expeller pressed non-GMO canola and/or safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavours, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (vegan, for flavour), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral). Sea Salt contains naturally occurring iodine and sea salt will be disclosed when used. (Didn't think to ask.) As long as you read labels and know what ingredients are not allowed, you are good. Looked forever for a bar of chocolateThis was it! I probably would not use their products to be on the safe side. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Jewels, I understand that it is "low, not no iodine", but some people think they could just have that little bitnot realizing it adds up. LID is not easy, but Im glad I could help make it a little less stressful for you. Sugar is little higher than we generally prefer, but when on the LID.go for it! i that what is thyca patients should do? By calling the consumer hotlines for the products or by messaging the company on Facebook, I was able to confirm the products do not contain iodized salt and that expanded what I was able to eat. My husband recently had his five year check up and lab work and he remains CANCER FREE! My husband with diagnose and we are starting his LID diet. Zero sodium in these cranberries; zero red dye #3. Also, check the ingredients list for other no-no's like eggs, dairy, etc. KBye ~ Wendi. Feel crappy AND not eat comfort foods? I just made a big pot of LID soup with tap water and hoping its still ok! Jul 21, 2012 10:41 PM. recipesforsustenance You are so welcome! Trader joes made it so easy to find good tasting iodine free items. Also, grom what I learned and researched, LID can/does make a difference. Anybody like me out there? It was such a relief to hear she made it through the surgery :) The doc told us that the next 48 hours are critical after this type of surgery but she would be in ICU 2-3 days then moved to a regular room for another 3-4 days and that she may be home by Saturday if she cooperates with the rehabilitation team if she doesn't she will go to a rehabilitation facility for 1-2 weeks! Its great on everything . This is a low iodine diet, not a no salt diet. They do Cary non dairy vegan cheese. Im so glad you found my blog helpful! Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:43:52. So for dinner tonight I am having a modified taco salad with proper seasoning minus the sour cream and cheese and with my Trader Joe's unsalted chips!!! thanks is iodine bad for us survivors? A reading of the labels of the stuff listed showed no salt, no dairy and no soy (the big "3" to avoid in my opinion). The first thing you see when you walk into any TJ's store is their display of flowers and plants. Jan 19, 2022 @ 11:56:42. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. As always, read ingredient lists. Am I missing something with Trader Joes? Sweet!!!!!!! I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. Trader Joe's (all of these items are trader joe's brand) I love Trader Joe's! You mix it with water to make a creamy coconut milk. Get the second one if you want to use it in coffee. I cant image. Oreos Oreos are vegan and as long as they are a flavor that doesnt contain prohibited ingredients, they are acceptable for LID. You can microwave them for a quick meal.,,,,, Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Cancer. is a great resource if you need to do the diet again in the future. Also Enjoy Life chocolates, almond butter and grape jelly. I have cancer and am doing the radioactive iodine treatment next week. Is that advised? No one is very savvy about iodine, but just let them know that any sea ingredient (kelp, fish, etc.) I found a kosher supplier in New York that would ship it to me. Im doing my 3rd round of LID in 3 weeks, going on 5 years cancer free but theres still traces. Finally around 12pm the anesthesiologist team came in to prepare grandma and she was wheeled off to the operating room around 12:30pm. Frozen Hash Browns. I loved the no salt chips and salsa. I went to that website its amazing!!! I have yet to run into a large manufacturer who uses iodized salt in their products. Mar 18, 2022 @ 02:37:56, Im sorry you are going through this. I will need my coffee when I start LID it is my One guilty Pleasure, and with dealing with cancer, RAI and everything else, this is one thing I want to enjoy. Hey all, I understand I can have about 6oz or less of a meat or organic chicken while on the LID. YUMMY I am looking forward to it as I am starving :) It's my big meal of the day as the rest of the time I usually have small snacks/meals through the day to regulate my blood sugars!! I hope LID got to be a little easier for you. recipesforsustenance Publix Non-Dairy Creamer My store brand plain non-dairy creamer did not contain salt or seaweed products (carrageenan), but the other flavors did. Some people do not realize that iodine is in sea salt as well as kosher salt. Im assuming it was good since you posted all of these items. For some of the products I contacted the manufacturers via Facebook or by phone to ask about the type of salt they used. I dug out my back pack and started filling it up with things I thought I would need for a long day in Seattle! Thank you in advance!! I hope all goes well for your husband. They dont have much listed for the Philippines, but may be a start: Good luck! Are you sure you want to block this member? recipesforsustenance The Tuscan Pane does not contain sea salt. I start mine in three weeks and need to have some convenience items to have in the car - I have two children and with activities every night it is not possible to make things in the cookbook everyday. Oct 11, 2015 4:24 PM. In addition to Club crackers, Keebler Zesta saltines, Town House Original crackers , Graham crackers are also fine. Best wishes!! I start my LID tomorrow, and am now reading about distilled water. RAI in 6 days! Hope this helps! Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. Good luck to you! I got a call today to go on LID and off my Cytomel. This makes things so much easier!! This diet will be so hard on him but with your help, I think I can make it alittle easier. Our first 21 days on the diet we pretty much followed the diet from the thyca cookbook and it was so hard. I was shopping for bread in Trader Joes, and one of their employees offered to call and see which ones were low iodine. No red dyes. Aug 22, 2021 @ 23:55:08. Courtney :). I found Muir Glen makes a salt-free basil flavored canned tomato sauce and I picked up 2 cans but would love some feedback on if it is ok from other people's experience. Knowing myself, I would feel bad if I didn't follow the LID to the best of my ability. 20 Types of Low Iodine Foods and Why You Need a Low Iodine Diet Smithfield Bacon This bacon does not contain iodized salt. Coconut Milk great for making curries (both Thai and Indian). - Whole Foods Brand Boxed No Salt Added Chickpeas (it comes in a small box and was at the very bottom of the canned bean shelf). Yes, Tostitos brand items are okay to eat on LID (as long as they do not contain any forbidden ingredients) Tostitos and Frito-Lays brand products do not contain iodized salt. See the overnight way to cook these steel cut oats on Day 7 Breakfast Tab! I still have almost two weeks to go. This is a link: No Sulfur Dioxide Whole Foods Feb 26, 2017 @ 16:21:30. Zero sodium.while it says Sugar Fire sauce is a dessert sauce- we used it on grilled chicken, hamburger patties, etc. recipesforsustenance I have a Trader Joes and Whole Foods nearby, as well as a local health food store. Thank you for this! I shopped there and talked to an employee that wasn't as informative or helpful . I ended up taking a lot with me, but I had no idea how long we would be there so I planned out so I would be covered until late last night :) I packed banana chips, apple chips, unsalted tortilla chips from Trader Joe's, fresh strawberries, "cuties", unsalted sunflower seeds, hard candies, Kosher salt (non iodized of course) in my salt grinder, my pepper grinder, garlic powder, lime juice and a couple other seasonings, an avocado to make guacamole, a knife so I could cut my avocado and bottled waters :) So around 4am I crawled out of my bed where I was semi comfortable to get things ready to go to Seattle. Our whole foods isn't open yet and may not be open til late fall 2012 and no Trader Joes here either. Change). Texas Pete Hot Sauce I was pretty excited when I found out I could have this hot sauce while on LID. There are two types of Elmhurst Milked unsweetened variety and a Barrista approved variety. Dried fruit (be sure to check labels, some do contain salt) and unsalted nuts are great snacks on LID. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 3 before RAI and 2 after RAI. any tomato sauce already prepared we can use? Jun 30, 2017 @ 14:29:40. Thank you so much for doing the homework on so much of this. We wonder why we're all taking pills for out blood pressure when two slices of bread can have half a days sodium serving before we even put anything on it!!!! I would buy this product even when Im not on LID. Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Plain) Oatmeal is an easy breakfast. Beans great protein source while on LID. : ), thank you ,thank you, my best wishes for you, recipesforsustenance Egg Beaters 100% Egg Whites Whole eggs and egg yolks are not allowed on LID, but egg whites are fine. Here is a quick run down of the items so that if any one is near these stores they can run out and get this stuff too! Their organic fruit leathers are good too!! -Kitchen Basics unsalted vegetable stock (the only ready-made veggie stock I could find without salt added) I am so glad my blog has been helpful to yall! - Oregon, or Salt Lake City, or even somewhere else in Idaho?) No Corn Syrup That took a weight off my shoulders, however I will probably still be a little cautious since grandma is 77! * Yumnuts - dry roasted and flavored (but NO SALT!) It comes in a small 7 oz box (found it on the shelf of a local health food store). Have one who knows what he is talking about now so all will be good, recipesforsustenance I got it in writing from Trader Joe's, the link to thread where I post the response I got back from Trader Joes is above. Earth Balance Soy-Free Buttery Spread This stuff tastes good. -Poland Springs Sparkling water (raspberry lime essence) My husband is on LID for the first time, and youve helped tremendously! Oreos are his favorite (dipped in milk of course) but he will be happy to just have the cookies at this point. I was happy to see that my store brand hashbrowns did not contain salt. You can ask questions and even post pics of food products for confirmation if they are allowed on the diet. There may be regional differences in ingredients, so always check. Today was my first day and I was feeling SO overwhelmed. To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. Water, tomato, tomato paste, vinegar, iodized salt, onion, Chilpotle peppers, coriander, soybean oil, sugar, garlic powder, xanthan gum, caramel color and spices. Any insight? In fact, cup of cooked brown rice only has 1mcg. Best wishes to you, as well. Can radiation seep through plastic? I plan to just stay basic and eat fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, and beef/chicken. Rapunzel No Salt Added Vegetable Bouillon Ibought this vegan vegetable bouillon at Earth Fare. Did you contact the sellers to make sure of the type of salt they used? Fed ex 2nd day (wonder what that would cost?) Used for the Homemade LID Snack Bar recipe. I have also downloaded the LID Cookbook from the thy ca. You are welcome! Sep 08, 2017 @ 13:05:04. We are starting the 2nd round of the LID diet for my husband to start his radioactive iodine treatment next month. Mar 17, 2017 @ 23:33:18. My isolation was a great little vacation from real life. Also I would like to have some bread or bagel but I guess I get confused when I read Thomas Bagels and it says it contains soy but yet its soybean, but not sure if that is soybean oil which we can have or soy beans. Im glad to see some products on your must that I wouldnt have thought to include with my LID diet grocery list. Trader Joes Coconut Creamer I like this coffee creamer better than the So Delicious brand. Hi Suzi, We do not used iodized salt in our Thai Kitchen or Simply Asia products. I was able to find out that corporate for trader Joes has guaranteed that they do not use iodize salt in any of their trader joes name bran products DO STAY AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT STATES SEA SALT. Hope that helps! I have heard that Trader Joes products are ok to use on the LID. By the time we got back up there I think we were there about 20 minutes before the doctor came out to let us know everything went great in surgery and that grandma was already up in the ICU recovering from surgery!