"All I can say is jetlag and lateness. this is the veiw of a 14 year old. By his cowardice and lack of morality he has kept the case and the pain of his victim alive all this time. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! I am sure his methods may have changed but sex offenders rarely offend just once. Are you celebrity/entertainment people think youre above the law? Admitted to the crime and fled the country. Sari - where are you - pay attention to this part: If you support a child rapist and decide it is not important enough to enforce laws regarding such a crime, then as a society you CONDONE that crime. A man that raped a child. Shame on all of you. You people that support this kind of act should be ashamed of yourselves. I have too much to say to put it in a short comment - but I have posted on this issue on my personal blog : But it seems to me that Hollywood must be a very dangerous place for a child these days as so many of its big names appear to endorse paedophilic activity. The only difference is weve come to our senses while they havent! We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanskis arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a film festival where he was due to receive an award for his career in filmmaking. Weinstein is now firmly banished and actors are apologising for appearing in Woody Allen movies. Alfonso Cuaron Only one person who signed the petition agrees to speak on the record: the actor Asia Argento, who has since accused Weinstein of abusing her. By trying to send Roman Polanski to the lions despite all the legal arguments, is something that unfortunately gets and will get more and more out of proportion. If you are rich, white, and especially if you are famous, the system in extremely biased in your favor. What does his continued success reveal about the film worlds true attitude towards sexual assault? Liria Begeja If he was some crack head living in harlem and raped a girl would the same supporters come to the rescue? Why should he be treated any differently from other members of the clergy? - Le Syndicat National des Techniciens de la Production Cinmatographique et de Tlvision (National Union of Film and Television Technicians) Everyone, including he, knew that once he was outside France and Poland (due to French and Polish laws), any country may arrest and extradite him under its own laws. California turns people loose that are highly likely to offend again due to space and budgetary issues. Or else every case involving Stockholm Syndrome would never be tried. If Polanski had attended his sentencing hearing instead of fleeing the country, the whole thing would have been over after hed served his time. Actually Polanski never admitted to raping anyone. Lets boycott one, lets boycott all!!! The following is the SACD petition, followed by a list of names of people who had signed it as of tonight. He was a filmmaker whose work I admired greatly. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1994 Actor Death And The Maiden Director Roman Polanski Fine Line 8X10 Photo at the best online prices at eBay! Someone I respected gave it to me, and said, 'I signed this. Filmmakers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision. Actually, the film Wanted and Desired has notable inaccuracies and neglects to include the grand jury testimony which is readily available to the public. Ccile Telerman said that Polanski is "very clearly not a predator" and had a rant about how he is a family man. Ladislas Kijno She was not unresponsive, he writes. After Roman Polanski 's 2009 arrest in Switzerland for the 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, more than 100 actors and directors united to release a petition urging for his . if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Fanny Ardant Yes, Emma Thompson, who last week appeared on. We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to see if they had changed their mind about supporting Polanski in light of the #MeToo and Time's Up campaigns. Giuseppe Tornatore Peter Henry Fonda was born in New York City, to legendary screen star Henry Fonda and Ontario, Canada-born New York socialite Frances Brokaw (born Frances Ford Seymour). Sigourney Weaver with Polanski at the 2008 Marrakech film festival. I mean, Ted Bundy oh. Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls! (Amis, clearly shocked, wrote: Even Humbert Humbert realised that young girls dont really know whether they are willing or not. All Rights Reserved. You should watch Roman Polanski Wanted or Desired. The judge in Polanskis case acted like a common crook. If only in the name of this friendship between our two countries, we demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski. When the Harvey Weinstein story broke last October, the reaction among the movie industry was wide-eyed shock that someone so many of them knew and worked with could be a rapist. Who gives a shit? Mario Martone That he happened to be a director you like does not change it. I very much regret it, Portman said. Hes an animal because of what he did to a child; hes a coward because he didnt take his punishment like a man with character. Roman Polanski is a Polish filmmaker who has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system, since 1978, after pledging guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Ettore Scola A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. Portman wasn't the only high-profile signatory. Sari, to quote you: If Polanski had killed the girl instead of raping her, the whole matter would have been forgotten long ago, In what world would murder be forgotten? And I was like, sure. - lUnion des producteurs de films I propose a boycott of all films and books and plays and machinery created by all those people listed here. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. Its despicable that some Hollywood stars would rather support a pedophile then uphold a serious charge such as rape of an underage girl. That doesnt change the fact that mr Polanski is a scumbag and a halve who drugged and raped a child when he was 44, fled the country to live in France where he continued to make movies, live a good life etc. Who among the Moral Police gives a shit? Celebs Who Have Defended Roman Polanski Publically - IMDb But mainly I heard people insist their friend is not a rapist. $17.99 + $4.99 shipping. 3. In 2016, when promoting recent film Julieta, Almodovar criticized the limited parts conventionally written for women. Patrick Bouchitey If Hollywood has grown so insular from and arrogant to society at large, its time they were knocked down a peg or two. It is sad that these people think Polanski is above the law!! One of the petition's signatories was Natalie Portman, who told BuzzFeed(Opens in a new tab) she "very much" regrets putting her name on it. What happened to the feminists?, Wow, Laslavic- you are one classy guy!(/sarcasm). Once again, shame on all who signed this petition and feel Polanski shouldnt be punished! I wonder how these signers would feel if it was one of their kids? Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. Jean-Pierre Marois This article was amended on 2 February 2018 to clarify that the estimate of a three-year US prison sentence was made in 2009. Those of you who think this is the same as rape should watch Oleanna. And not just when it comes to lurid, sex-laced cases, but that seems all most people care about. What Did the Polanski Petition All Those Directors Signed Actually Say? This Article is related to: News and tagged. - lARP Much emphasis is made in the movie about how Polanskis celebrity hurt him during the trial, which is true. I still do. Charlotte Silvera "I wore one to DGA," he told Metro. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. - lAPI (Association des producteurs Indpendants) (Association of Independent Producers) Finally, to those of you suggesting that Polanski got unfair treatment: I suggest you follow up on watching documentaries with some actual research on the justice system in Los Angeles County. AOC declares 'we were right.'. -For a list of signatories, continue to the next page.-. Tue 29 Sep 2009 10.24 EDT. Jacques Fansten Should this even be up for discussion? Tonie Marshall The thing I feel like I gained from it is empathy towards people who have made mistakes. I can only hope they are not aware of the full allegations. ArtMoscow: Breathtaking, your self-delusion. But I was, it turned out, grossly out of step with the times. whats more would you be alright with this man if he raped your little sister?Your daughter. in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a petition demanding authorities to release Roman Polanski, who was found guilty of sexually abusing a minor after he drugged and raped a child and has been accused by many. Broadly reached out to Almodovar to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. When Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in 2009, where he was jailed for two months and then put under house arrest (the house, in this case, being a chalet in the Alps), Debra Winger claimed the whole art world suffers. I know I was thinking about sex pretty much 90% of the time. If he gets off on some technicality or is given a non custodial age due to age or the pleas of the victim or even the terms of the original plea bargain than so be it. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. lilian on Twitter: "in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a He never even apologized to the woman. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. its shameful,to say that i consented it. In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor and fled the US rather than face jail time. Gee, she got so uptight about cancer-adled, bedridden Sharon Atkins potential release saying she hadnt paid for her crime (and I agree, by the way). have worked with him, movie insiders say. Woody Allen supports him-big shocker (the guy who is now married to the woman who was essentially his stepdaughter). Jean-Marc Ghanassia Harmony Korine Fellow Filmmakers Call for Roman Polanski's Release - TV Guide Given Portman's active involvement in the Time's Up movement, her signing of the petition came from a misplaced sense of empathy. Personally, I can live with a Hugh Grant who got a blow-job from a prostitute. Over 100 In Film Community Sign Polanski Petition | IndieWire She was 18. The talent of Roman Polanski is not questioned. It was a long time ago was another one, as was: Hes served his time. (In 2009, the expert legal affairs writer, Jeffrey Toobin, reported that at that time the prison sentence for an adult defendant who pleaded guilty to statutory rape was likely to be three years in a state prison.) We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a . He is not a good man. By now, celebrities were falling over themselves to defend Polanski. To me, child abuse is the where I will absolutely put my line in the sand. But then again, the judge apparently liked some very young women as well. And I still have a good lot of movies to see. Just Jaeckin Hey, Remember When All Your Favorites Signed A Petition - Bust Barbet Schroeder She forgave him yes but the law does not forgive. NASA smacked an asteroid with a spacecraft. Shocking what your statement implies. I dont wish to admire anyone who has such a twisted sense of values. Samantha has said that the trauma she has experienced in the past few decades has had a greater impact on her than the original crime, one said to me, which is doubtless true. If he believed her to be old enough, why did he drug her? Thats why even though there are many other bad things in the world, this one IS important. i can only wish you all the worst, and i hope you come to feel deeply ashamed. I foolishly went along. Jonathan Demme We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). he not only victimized her when she was 13 by being so selfish, he has been victimzing her for more than 30 years afterwards. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. I find it hard to believe that you would find it an acceptable excuse if it was your child who was sodomized. Read and educate yourself. Free shipping for many products! And I think we live in a post-Hamilton world where we don't even need to think about what's authentic to the character, like faithful to the character," Portman said. . - le SPI Yasmina Reza He declared himself above the law and thumbed his nose at the victim and her family.You can, in your right mind support him? If you continue browsing, that means you've accepted our Terms of Use/use of cookies. Pierre Jolivet Everyone signing this list should be ashamed of themselves. A shameful chapter indeed - let us hope it will soon be brought to a close. We lived in a different world, and that doesn't excuse anything. The fact that Switzerland is a neutral country does not make it a lawless country. Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. Wordle today: Here's the answer, hints for March 3. He never admited to raping anyone.. He then had sex with her, drove her home and, the next day, was arrested. My level of disgust for these petitions cannot even be fully expressed. Sandra Nicolier Thank you for not allowing the blood thirsty mob to prevent you from doing what you believe to be right. No excuses. His comments on the subject indicate no remorse and in fact seem to indicate a perverse (of course) pride in his engaging in satisfying his twisted appetites. Probably not but I will feel good about myself. Gilles Jacob Elie Chouraqui Forty years ago this week, Roman Polanski went from being one of the most celebrated film-makers in the world to becoming the United States most notorious fugitive from justice. I was mostly just on and off saying: No, stop. But I wasnt fighting really because there was no one else there and I had no place to go. fashion. I am not surprised to see the murderer John Landes on the list and any of the names that I do recognize, you can rest assured that they will not get my patronage in the future from any of their future endeavors. Diane Kurys (Also, Woody Allen, but who's surprised there?) Two said to me that it was a special situation because the girl had been up for it (this was a common theory at the time. Jerry Schatzberg Although the Spanish director signed the 2009 petition supporting convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, Almodovars been scathing when it comes to criticising Hollywoods institutional sexism. when i was 13 started having desires for older men,anywhere up to their 40s.it became my prefrence since then.i never actually had sex with someone above that age,it was just sort of a forbidden fantasy to me.im was 13,not 5,so i knew better then to act on it,as much as some adults say teenagers dont know better yeah,they do. Dear Roman you have my full support. This article was amended on 30 January 2018. He only confessed to a lesser charge through a plea agreement. The petition, made public in September 2009, demanded "the immediate release of Roman Polanski" after the Rosemary's Baby filmmaker was detained days earlier in Switzerland on a warrant for. On Tuesday, Natalie Portman apologized for signing the 2009 petition in support of Polanski. I wrote about the documentary for this paper when it came out, as it struck me as astonishingly exculpatory. Portman is one of the first . His movies went on to win six Oscars. In 2018, Argento apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. Polanski was originally indicted for 4 felonies, and the girl agreed to have him plea guilty to statutory rape in order to avoid the circus of the trial. People keep affirming that Polanski did this and did that as if they were there at the time. Move over, "Armageddon." Wim Wenders. He is a child rapist and he needs to pay for his crime. Broadly reached out to del Toro to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. The judge went back on his word because he was afriad of public opinion like yours. None of my business. Vangelis, By trying to send Roman Polanski to the lions despite all the legal arguments, is something that unfortunately gets and will get more and more out of proportion. It is also irrelevant if her mother was trying to vicariously enjoy a brush with stardom. The filmmaker had been detained over a 1977 underage sex case from the U.S., which he plead guilty to. The Mexican director received criticism after he chose not to wear a Time's Up badge to the BAFTAs. Polanski is a child rapist probably a serial child rapist. jarre and diana, the point that polanski never admitted to raping anyone is a big problem here. It feels GOOD. According to her grand jury testimony, she repeatedly asked him to take her home and she was afraid of him. She played Lena, while her co-star Jennifer Jason Leigh played Dr. Ventress, described as being of Asian and Native American background respectively in the novel. He never admited to raping anyone. If only the same were true of politicians, the military, the justice establishment, and the multibillionaire elite. On 1 February 1978, after 42 days in jail, Polanski fled the US while awaiting final sentencing, having pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. Tony Gatlif The right thing is different for different people. "I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. Alain Corneau It will not be difficult to boycott most of the names on this list as it appears 90% of them are from France and are friends of the scumbag and amongst the more memorable supporters is woody allen, recognizable from his own torrid past. - la SACD But as more artists come forward to speak out against Woody Allen, the same can't be said of Polanski, who remains venerated in Hollywood. Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne In perfect French she lauded the Franco-American friendship and recommended the development of cultural relations between our two countries. We worship/ed those artists just as they worship Polanski. Would the signatories of this list have us serve up children for them to rape and defile at their pleasure because, well, W. is a really bad man? Part of me feels extreme disgust right now because I think that the pass many are giving to Polanski is a reflection of a misogynistic culture that deep down believes a woman (or in this case, a girl) always wants it. He plead guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor because he knew they had enough evidence to fry his ass if it went to trial. Emma Thompson has long been an ardent supporter of women's rights, and the British Oscar-winner recently signed a letter in support of the Times Up campaign ahead of this year's BAFTAS. Alain Jessua His arrest follows an American arrest warrant dating from 1978 against . only to seduce a 15-year old nastassia kinski two years later- when he was 46. had he handled this differently, the victim would have been able to put this trauma behind her when she was still a teenager. Jean-Jacques Beineix Gay movies. Jarre, he admitted to sleeping with a 13 year old child, whose age he knew. Laurent Heynemann Adrien Brody with Polanksi, during filming of The Pianist, 2002. Do you understand the court will make no decision regarding probation and sentencing until the judge reads all of the reports, Do you understand at the time of your sentencing, the prosecutor may argue that you should go to state prison or be incarcerated in the county jail?, (to Polanskis attorney) Have you explained to your client all of the possible outcomes? Artists are not above the law in any country. Ask any rape victim and we will tell you that we would give anything if the rapist had been prosecuted and locked up forever before we were victimized by them! Jol Farges Jan Kounen Silvio Berlusconi Corruption: Sex, Lies & Earthquake + Tavernier Boos & Leigh Career Highlight. A petition demanding his release was signed by more than 100 actors and film-makers, including Emma Thompson (who later asked to have her name removed), Yasmina Reza and Tilda Swinton. Last year, four more allegations emerged: former US actor Mallory Millett said Polanski tried to rape her in 1970; German actor Renate Langer said the director raped her in Gstaad in 1972 when she was 15; a woman identified as Robin M said Polanski assaulted her in 1973 when she was 15; and a third, Marianne Barnard, accused him of assaulting her in 1975 when she was 10. etc. I am thoroughly disgusted by the worlds film community for supporting him just because he makes good movies. Great.. In 1976, he met Nastassja Kinski and, according to his autobiography, slept with her. Will you too?' One would think that these filmmakers have enough money to hire a proper lawyer to draft their petition, if they were serious about it. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears . Believe it or not, I believe that you and I agree. It makes me sad to know so many people who I look up to in the field of the arts are supporters of rape. Sure, admire his work. Mike Nichols, David Lynch, Ethan Coen, Bernardo Bertolucci, Martin Scorsese, Jeremy Irons, Tilda Swinton, Terry Gilliam, Emir Kusturica, Wim Wenders and many, many others, I love you even more! But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. Thanks to the candour of Polanski, the rest of us have always known, too including everyone in the film industry who has worked with him since. Just because he made a few hollywood films, should he somehow be judged more severely or liberally than the others? Trying to understand why Hollywood defends Polanski. : r/movies - reddit "The thing I feel like I gained from it is empathy towards people who have made mistakes. I know what I am, what I have and havent done, how things really were and are, he writes at the end of his autobiography. AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested. Woody Allen is an incredible director. But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. Roman Polanski has been a fugitive from justice for 30 years and it is time he manned up and dealt with the situation. None of what you say changes the gravity of this case and with a lot of crimes the law also operates apart from I might not like it, but I can separate the man from his work. I dont know if you are really helping his case, Woody. Will you too?' Its not that people are not aware of the charges. Justice at least will have run its course. If only anyone had known about Weinstein they would never never! These included Harrison Ford,. It was stupid To take a childhood from a person is the worst thing there is. My level of disgust at the people who express disgust at the signatories of the Polanski petitioni and then go off sounding more deranged and more dangerous than Polanski could ever be is too strong for me to express in mere words. What a sad coward. Rosalinde et Michel Deville The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0928091polanskiplea1.html. I know that before today, when Roman Polanski had only pleaded guilty to raping that 13-year-old girl in 1979, and been accused of raping that 16-year-old girl in 1986, it was like, Big deal . Emir Kusturica He raped a child. It was a mistake," she told the news outlet. To not feel remorse. - Members of the European Producers Club I hope all of you outraged ones stay away from children everywhere. Thierry Fremaux Afterwards, in Polanskis car, Gailey cried. The fact that filmmakers may present their work and travel freely and safely at and to film events, as every person may do at and to other unrestricted public properties, does not make them diplomats. On these facts, everyone agrees. Roman Polanski committed several horrific crimes over the course of several hours, admitted his guilt, then fled the country when his plea bargain fell apart. Afp is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested Sunday in Switzerland on a warrant for a 1977 underage sex case in the United States. Moreover, more allegations have been made against him: in 2010, British actor Charlotte Lewis said Polanski abused her in 1983 when she was 16. im ashamed and sickened. - le Groupe 25 images James was best known for playing Sonny Corleone in "The Godfather," which won him both Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for Best Supporting Actor. HES SUFFERED ENOUGH. Since then, many of them with names on the petition have claimed that they were forced to sign it. In 2009, when Polanski was arrested at a Zurich airport in a failed extradition attempt, over 100 Hollywood celebrities signed a petition calling for his release. Jarre, actually, he pretty much did admit to raping her. Just ask her. Im so glad Roman has so many supporters that he can rape and sodomize, but are any of you 13 because thats target age we need. Wow! He never was. Cher Roman tu as mon support total. What purpose does it serve to lock up Mr. Polanski when the prison space could be used to protect the public from violent offenders? Thoughts on directors/actors who have supported Roman Polanski since