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A later William Sinclair of Roslin became the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He claimed that Freemasonry had begun among crusader knights and that they had formed themselves into Lodges of St John. - The Templar Knight, Holy Sepulchre witnesses fights between Christians - The Templar Knight, The medieval glory of Southampton - The Templar Knight, Christmas - eight hundred years ago! 2006. Scottish Knights Templar,; accessed 23 March 2014. 5. Homepage,; accessed 23 March 2014. Hugues was related to the Counts of Champagne. "The Knights Templar in Scotland" by Dr Coutts, covered the proof the Templar charters continued to be recognized by Robert the Bruce, and supported the Templar as an order under a slightly different spelled name. "The Knights Templar in Scotland" by Dr Coutts, covered the proof the Templar charters continued to be recognized by Robert the Bruce, and supported the Templar as an order under a slightly different spelled name. Only the Royal Grand Conclave was allowed to admit non-Masons and these men were never members of any Encampments, only of Grand Conclave." In Scotland, as in Brunswick, there was no enforcement of the demands to transfer the Templar estates to the Hospitallers. Some of the biggest of these differences with the Roman church were the Saturday Sabbath, Biblical dietary laws, and the dating of Easter (or the Sacred Calendar beginning date for each year). Connections between Templarism and Freemasonry have been around for as long but publishers saw a synergy from the 1980s onwards in trying to connect Templarism, Freemasonry, Rosslyn Chapel, Esoteric belief systems and Scotland altogether. Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. And that is also true of the Hospital. The west entrance to Rosslyn Chapel, surmounted by a magnificent rose window with an "engrailed" cross. , the founding house of the Knights Templar. - The Templar Knight, Pingback: Santiago de Compostela - burial place of Saint James the Apostle - The Templar Knight, Pingback: Oak Island - the Templar and Viking connection! According to Freemason John Yarker, a later William Sinclair of Roslin became the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. [19] He then explains that he and his wife Lady Margaret Ramsay of Dalhousie produced a son (also Sir William) to succeed him as the 8th Baron of Rosslyn. roamin - Taking a walk ("gone on the piss, no told the missis. Knight Templar ancestors - how to find them? Geoffroi de Charney dedicated his life to the Order of Knights Templar. for the Knights Templar. The legends surrounding their exploits may or may not be real (see below) but the men certainly were. Although the order was officially dissolved by the pope in the 14th century, legends of their exploits and their hidden treasure ensure that they are far . Other cities also had Commanders with specific regional responsibilities. The original nine Knights Templar were either born into or related to the Rex Deus families, as was Godfrey de Boullion, the French general who led them against the Saracens during the First Crusade. Cockburn: The Cockburns are a Border Clan. There is no physical or documentary evidence, however, to support such a supposition. For sincere inquirers, please Apply for membership. In about the year 1187, William the Lion granted part of the Culter lands on the south bank of . was recorded.with still signs of Templars.[2][3][4]. Profile of Knights Templar,; accessed 23 March 2014. and elsewhere appear to have been disposed of about the same time, as When the English recognized the Templar emblems and saw the eight-pointed crimson cross on the knights' chests, they were terrified. And of course, youve all heard of Rosslyn, home of the chapel made ultra-famous by Dan Brown. Founded by Pre-Schism Princes, Knights and ClergyThe founders of the original Templar grew in a church before the great Schism even occurred. But.Temple Grafton in Warwickshire has no obvious Templar link so beware. G enuine Knighthood or Damehood is a status of official nobility peerage under . The Masonic Movement is generally referred to as the Knights Templar, but the full Style and Title of this body is "The United Religious, Military, and Masonic Orders of the Temple, and of St.John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta". The original name was "Scottish Knights Templar of Militi Templi Scotia International." but it was changed to "Scottish Knights Templar of OSMTH International" in 2006. 14k and 10k Scottish Rite, S.R. Members (most often men) have been tapped to join The Knights Templar, the Freemasons, the Bavarian Illuminati, Skull and Bones and Bilderberg. Geni requires JavaScript! In 1189 Alan FitzWalter, the 2nd Lord High Steward of Scotland was a . Fought at Siege of Damietta. Kilmartin Stones in Scotland By Sir Knight David P. McCash One of the fascinating periods of Templar history is the order's legacy in Scotland. At the end of the I2th century and during the 13th century, as in other countries, large endowments were lavished on the Order in Scotland d By the gifts of the Scottish kings alone the Templars gained possessions in many parts of the kingdom from Galloway to Aberdeenshire. These range from rumors about their association with the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, to questions about their association with the Freemasons, to searches for a lost treasure. He was the grandfather of William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness, the builder of . The fact that the Scottish Rite is the spiritual descendant of "The Poor Fellow Soldiery of the Temple of Solomon @ (The Order of Knights Templar), is best betrayed, however, in the full name of AThe Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commanders of The It is impossible now to identify them. Sir Allen William Howard of Norfolk (d.1239), fought in the Third Crusade, Amberaldus, Master of the Templars in England, Elyas de Rolleston, 1270, fought in the Eighth Crusade, William de Goldingham d.1296 Master Templar, Gislingham,Suffolk. His family and feudal ties assured that the Knights Templar gained support of upper nobility and influential clergymen such as Bernard de Clairvaux. In Scotland, the Templar headquarters were at a place called Balantrodoch, just outside the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. Please. ", New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 1921 by Arthur Edward Waite, Network North: Scottish Kin, Commercial and Covert Associations in Northern Europe 16031746 By Steve Murdoch p.337, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Part 1 and Its Kindred Sciences Comprising the Whole Range of Arts by Albert Gallatin Mackey p 447, New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 1921 by Arthur Edward Waite pp. This structure passed at some point into the hands of the Rainie family, and subsequently became known as Castle Rainy. It is said that Deuchar had inherited Templar documents from the Jacobites who had been under Bonnie Prince. Scottish Templar King Robert the Bruce, continued the practice of his predecessors, to protect and expand the Templar in Scotland. However the facts show the opposite. Effigy in All Saints Church, Rushton, Northamptonshire. Robert The Bruce: The Knight Who Became King Of Scotland Statue of Robert the Bruce (Aberdeen) by Alan Beattie Herriot, 2011, via Aberdeen City Council Another great Scottish knight, comrade-in-arms with William Wallace, was Robert the Bruce. For naming conventions, see Medieval Kingdoms of Western Europe. This publication constituted force of law on behalf of the Templars. The Templar were formed into a distinct order a full generation before any Roman papal endorsements/benefits etc. When the charges and attacks on the order began, there are numerous records of his acts of giving them a safe refuge and employment as deserving of Knights. Ithas beensaid that the Templars first sought refuge here when they fled Francefollowing the events of 1307, bringing with them thefamed Templar treasures, including the Holy Grail, and burying them under the Abbey. A number of key publications that try to tie Templarism, Freemasonry and Scotland together include: [16] That is whether using the name pope, or equivalent terminology for centuries, calling the pope of Rome their fellow brother or equal bishop. So, check out different spellings and anglicising of ancient Irish names. The Order of the Temple easily installed itself and acquired a number of properties and fiefdoms, especially in the region extending north from Glasgow. The Duke of Mar is then said to have held office, after which time the Templar Order was apparently inactive until its revival by Charles Edward Stuart in 1745. They were close advisors to Scotland's early kings; they were major property owners and respected . From there, they made contact with the separatist Scottish leader, Robert the Bruce, who was at war with England and the Anglophile clans. Site of foundations of a number of houses - old writings show that 'Walls' was a Chapelry belonging to the Knight Templars. Sir Alexander's son, also Sir Alexander, was created Great Usher in the Scots Parliament. Though much work has been done debunking these myths and legends, these stories persist in the popular imagination. The National Archives have court documents going back to the medieval period but no family records, like birth and death certificates. With their white mantles bearing the blood red cross of the Order, today's knights and dames of the Grand Priory of the Scots are dedicated to the codes and principles of chivalry, and the carrying out of charitable good works. [8][9] So many people are stuck in the mentality that only the Roman pope (not the dozen other non-Roman popes of Christendom) represented the Christian orthodoxy of the Templar. This reference to the Templars is said to prove that the Templar Order maintaned an existence that was equal to, or united with the Hopsitallers. This year, I went with two third cousins Id never met before to see the musical Hamilton in London and share our family knowledge over dinner. Templars Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. With the defeat of the English, Scotland became an independent kingdom without any obligation to the papacy. Kilwinning has also been associated with MountHeredom, the birthplace of the Free Masons. Sinclair held the title Earl of Orkney under the King of Norway (see Earl of Orkney: Scottish Earls under the Norwegian Crown). Legends surround the location of the Templars' first headquarters on the Temple Mount, which had been assigned to them by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. In Scotland, the Knights Templar's purpose was purely economic. On page 135 he covered the facts that joining the order had always been rather difficult. OSMTH stands for; "Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani". Some of the biggest of these differences with the Roman church were the Saturday Sabbath, Biblical dietary laws, and the dating of Easter (or the Sacred Calendar beginning date for each year). For the historical presence of the original medieval Knights Templar in Scotland, see, Role in pseudohistory and popular culture, The Stuart Court in Rome: A Legacy of Exile (Visual Arts Research Institute Edinburgh S.) Edward Corp (Editor), Restoring the Temple of Vision: Cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart Culture By Marsha Keith Schuchard, p 767 "According to the early eighteenth-century writers, Jacob de Lennep, Abbe de Buisson, and Dom Calvet, Dundee was wearing a Templar Cross, emblematic of his role as Grand Master of the Scottish Order of the Temple. The surname derives from a place name near Duns, in Berwickshire. Templar always had worshipped in any nearby Christian church where the same one united church held the services. He was arrested by King Philip IV of France, tortured until he admitted to the crimes against him and he was eventually burned at the stake. * King Afonso I of Portugal, Templar Brother (13.03.1129); First King of Portugal (11391185), * Guilherme Fulco alias Fouque (12371242), * Vasco Fernandes (12951306)[citation needed], * Peter of Rovira (Pierre de la Roviere; November 1143 January 1158), * Hugh Geoffrey (Hugues Godefroi; May 1163 1166), * Arnold of Torroja (Arnaud de Toroge; October 1166 March 1181), * Berenguer of Aviny (Brenger d'Avignon; April 1181 March 1183), * Raymond of Canet (November 1183 July 1185), * Gilbert Eral (Gilbert Erail; October 1185 August 1189), * Pons (of) Rigaud (September 1189 February 1195), * Arnold of Claramunt (Arnaud de Clairmont; April November 1196), * Pons Marescalci (Dec. 1196 June 1199), * Arnold of Claramunt (August 1199 April 1200), second time, * Raymond of Gurb (Raimon de Gurp; April 1200 Nov. 1201), * Pons (of) Rigaud (April 1202 July 1206), second time, * Peter of Monteagudo (Pere de Montgaut; July 1207 June 1212), * William Cadell (October 1212 May 1213), * William of Montrodn (January 1214 September 1218). This is a Celtic name Baile nan Trodach Stead of the warriors. But the name appears in many forms, and one of them is Balantroch. These had boldly avowed themselves as the modern successors of Templar. "United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 September 2015), (M1490) Passport Applications, January 2, 1906 - March 31, 1925 > Roll 371, 1917 Jun, certificate no 55901-56200 > image 744 of 1068; citing NARA microfilm publications M1490 and M1372 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). This project is for medieval knights. The Middle Ages saw the emergence of a military order named the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. They are not part of our Scottish Knight Templar Order. THE CHILVARIS DEGREES The Poor Fellow-soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, better known as The Knights Templar, or The Order of the Temple of Solomon, were a religious military order during the 12th, 13th and early 14th centuries. The activities were primarily economic, and with the support of the Scottish monarchs, they acquired substantial wealth and established ownership of more than 500 sites in Scotland. It was republished under the title "Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars" with approval of the Crown in 1840, when Prince August Fredrick was the Templar's Grand Prior of England. Ireland. Scottish Catholic represented a purer ProtestantismTill the time of St Margaret (after the Templar order was formed, and long after the great schism) the Scottish church still primarily followed the Eastern Orthodox (Johanite Anatolian and French/Gaulish) and Celtic church Calendar and customs. No list on the Knights Templar in Scotland would be complete without Rosslyn Chapel. Religious Houses; accessed 23 March 2014. The sudden dissolution of the Order in 1307 at the hands of King Philip IV of France has also given rise to legendsof surviving Templars fleeing to Scotland with their treasurefrom France. 1831, Dobroni, Lelja, Templari i ivanovci u Hrvatskoj, p. 77, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Site templier: La commanderie de Richerenches",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from September 2021, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from February 2022, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Raymond of Canet (November 1183 July 1185), Pons (of) Rigaud (September 1189 February 1195), Arnold of Claramunt (August 1199 April 1200), second time, Pons (of) Rigaud (April 1202 July 1206), second time, William Cadell (October 1212 May 1213), William of Montrodn (January 1214 September 1218). King Robert the Bruce created the Royal Sovereign Order of Scotland. As primarily serving in the East, the primary place the Templar worshipped was in the East Orthodox churches. They were grandchildren of my great grandmothers sister who left county Tyrone in Ireland to marry a grocer from Connecticut. Including a comparison of the arrest of the Templars in France with the Templar Inquisition at Holyrood, and an examination of the part they played at . However the facts show the opposite. ), This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. This is a list of some members of the Knights Templar, a powerful Christian military order during the time of the Crusades. In 1153 King David I of Scotland granted the Knights Templar a parcel of land south of Edinburgh, and there the Templars established the Preceptory at Ballantrodoch (now known as the village of Temple, Midlothian) as their Scottish base. At their peak, the Order of the Knights Templar (sometimes known as Temple Knights) had around 20,000 members. The Confederation of Scottish Knights Templar welcomes association with other like-minded, legitimate Templar groups. You are asked to arrive at 4.00 pm so that we can go through a rehearsal. Hugue de Payens was a co-founder of the Knights Templar and became the groups first Grand Master. In 1189 Alan FitzWalter, the 2nd Lord High Steward of Scotland was a benefactor of the Order. In 18th century fiction, a connection was made between the Templars and Excellent customer service. Is it possible that a gravel bed left by a glacier part of which still remains near the village of Temple may have given the original name, Baile nan Trachaid (Traghad), " Stead of the sea- 1 The Chronicle of St. Denis gives the year as 1313. shore, which, afterwards, when the Templars possessed the manor, became Stead of the warriors ? They rose to power during the Crusades and quickly dwindled after the Holy Land was captured by Saladin's armies. The Templars were a religious and military order of Knights who escorted pilgrims to Jerusalem at a time when such pilgrimages were attended by dangers from robbers. The modern non-Masonic Order Militi Templi Scotia claims descent from Alexander Deuchar who was a Freemason. Admar de Claret (12161218), lieutenant, William Cadell (March 1229 June 1232), second time, Hugh of Montlaur (May 1234 April 1238), Stephen of Belmonte (June November 1239), William of Cardona (January 1244 May 1252), Hugh of Jouy (September 1254 June 1247 / March 1258), William of Montaana (May 1258 February 1262), William of Pontns (March 1262 August 1266), Arnold of Castellnou (March 1267 February 1278), Peter of Moncada (April 1279 October 1282), Berenguer of San Justo (April 1283 May 1290), Berenguer of Cardona (June 1291 January 1307), Berthramus dictus de Czweck (1292), preceptor Niemiec, Sawii i Morawii, w 1294, Richard Mallebeench, Master of the Templars in England, Gilbert of Ogerstan, caught stealing money from the, Sir Lachlan MacLean-de Corzon (d.1194) Baron of ak'ham, fought in the Third Crusade. It was republished under the title "Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars" with approval of the Crown in 1840, when Prince August Fredrick was the Templar's Grand Prior of England. The knights then fought alongside the Scots at the Battle of Bannockburn, defeating the English. These had boldly avowed themselves as the modern successors of Templar. Otto von Brunswick, Comtur of the Order of Knights Templar at Spplingenburg 13031304, Jordanus von Esbeke domus milicie Templi per Alemaniam et Slauiam vicepreceptor 30 June 1288, Guillaume d'Orleans (1209) (also Commander of Messina), Hermand de Prigord (1229) (at the same time master in Calabria), Bonifazio di San Michele (1255) (at the same time master in Calabria), Fr. These lands apparently remained independent for many centuries after the fall of the Templars, as remarked upon by Samuel Lewis in his Topographical Dictionary of Scotland (1846): DARVEL, a village, in the parish of LoudounThis is a considerable place, and it would seem that several lands here formerly belonged to the Knights Templars, as many of them still bear the name of Temple, and do not hold of any superior, not even of the crown.". Our history goes back for hundreds of years and should not be mixed up with the Masonic Orders that can be found on the Internet , or any of the Neo Templar organisations formed in 1804 using the acronym's SMOTJ or OSMTH. The Commander of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was the treasurer and shared some authority with the Grand Master, balancing his power. If you manage to get back to the Middle Ages, then check out medievalsoldier.orgIncredibly, the medieval authorities kept very detailed records of peasants enrolling as soldiers in the wars between England and France between 1369 and 1453. Who is the most famous Knights Templar member? Size 3 x 2 inch. However, since the 1980s such a connection has been a popular topic in fiction and in pseudohistorical speculation. The bulk of the fighting force was made up of knights and sergeants. Check out variations in documents like the Domesday Book and through your own detailed research. copied from Wikipedia. The Knights of Calatrava. The motto of the Knights Templar was Not to us Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give the glory. Here is a list of some of the most famous members of the Knights Templar. Lodge (Chapter etc), Name, and Number, i.e: CORNERSTONE LODGE No.19 (do not forget to add "Lodge, Chapter, Council "and number after name). Scottish Rite Rings; Shrine Knight Templar Rings; Past Master & Grand Lodge Jewels; Freemason jewelry watches, pendants and more . Within the book it included several other charters such as from King James the IV of Scotland re-confirming the inheritance of the Templars in the sixteenth century. John. [6] This theme was repeated in the pseudohistory book The Temple and The Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, first published in 1989. The Knights Templar have often been portrayed as fierce warrior monks, soldiers of Christ on crusade. Your name has been added to the . The Trial of the Templars by Malcolm Barber p 227. As with most feudal knightly based land titles, this was coupled with demonstrating succession from the original Noble Templar families. The Order established a seat at Balantrodoch, now Temple, Midlothian on the South Esk (River Esk, Lothian). The "Knight of the Red Feather" has been identified subsequently as Alexander Seton better known as Alexander Montgomerie, 10th Earl of Eglinton, a prominent Freemason in the Jacobite movement. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, 5 Sites In Scotland That Are Connected To The Knights Templar, The Battle Of Monmouth: The American Revolutionary War. Besides those benefactions, there were many others who bestowed gifts of lands upon the Order. They have not, nor have they ever had any secrets, dangerous to . He was then immediately elected as the first Grand Master in the Scottish Grand Lodge of Speculative Masons in 1736. It's said that the King also appointed William Sinclair as the Grand Master of the Crafts and Guilds of Scotland. [6][7][8][9] It should also be recorded that John of Fordun's Chronicle of the Scottish Nation,[10] a major Scottish mediaeval source makes no mention at all of the Templars. It is true that they are documented as having carried a piece of the True Cross into some battles, but this was likely a portion of a timber that was discovered during the 4th century by Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine.The recent discovery of the Chinon Parchment in the Vatican Archives appears to absolve the Templars from charges of heresy that were levied on them at the time of their suppression on Friday, October 13, 1307, and by which they have been labeled in the centuries since. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR NAME BADGE. barony from Mary Queen of Scots in 1560 followed by the withdrawal and reformation of the Templars under David Seton as Knights Templar of St. Anthony. The Knights Templar were a military Religious Order, to put it somewhat simplict 'fighting monks' as there was a vow of chastity. Sergeants filled other roles such as blacksmith or mason as well as fighting in battle. The town of Darvel in the parish of Loundoun, located some twenty miles south of Glasgow, holds a claim to fame as the birthplace of Sir Alexander Fleming, the man who discovered penicillin. "The Knights Templar in Scotland" by Dr Coutts, covered the proof the Templar charters continued to be recognized by Robert the Bruce, and supported the Templar as an order under a slightly different spelled name. They scattered, yielding the victory to Robert the Bruce. This article is about the Knight Templar, the French Norman knight who died in 1314 being burned at the stake. . symbol of the Grand Master of Knights Templar. The Iberian Peninsula was a battleground between Christendom and Islam before the crusades to the Holy Land began. (In the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, some authors and chroniclers of the history of the Portuguese Templar Order and its continuer, the, Gondamer or Gondemare? Gautier of the Dark Jaquemin the Great Andrion of the Winter Radulfus the Dragon Guarnier the Dragon Regnier the Patriot Lambertus the Guardian Rogerus the Twisted Mace of the East Anfroi the Friend The art above was kindly submitted by Khan, click to visit his Wattpad profile. Let's explore the history and use of the Knights Templar . But your best bet as you go back beyond the 19th century is going to be local parish records. In the East they use the word pope more often for their elders and patriarchs. And then the Templars make their way to America. - The Templar Knight, Pingback: The Walking Dead 800 years ago! Clearly this well known Templar family were protected in several ways to ensure the order continued under somewhat new styles. He usually carried the standard or nominated a standard-bearer. . The primary Chaplains of the Templar (Benedictines) still identify themselves as Orthodox, and as a pre-schism order of monks. The Preceptory at Ballantrodoch (now known as the village of Temple, Midlothian) was the Scottish headquarters of the Knights Templars in Scotland although under the direction of the London Temple. William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke. But then, a formation of cavalry bearing its own flags and standards appeared from behind the Scottish rear guard and entered into combat. [5] The St Clair, later Sinclair, Earls of Rosslyn or Roslin have also been connected to Templarism in Scotland. - The Templar Knight, Pingback: Newport Tower on Rhode Island - Templar or not? There were also squires who performed the task of caring for the horses. History of Nairnshire (1893) pp. The Grand Master and his Seneschal ruled over eight Templar provincial Masters in Europe, who were responsible for Apulia, Aragon, England, France, Hungary, Poitiers, Portugal and Scotland. Welcome to Fraternally Yours Inc. - HAPPY GLASS! Indeed, the supposition that the Templars must have found something under the Temple Mount lies at the heart of most Templar legends and pseudo-historical theories. Guillaume de Mujoul ( Prcepteur) 1255, 28. [4] Baron von Hund established a new Masonic rite called the "Strict Templar Observance". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Charter of TransmissionThere is a greatly protected document demonstrating the continued transmission of the Templar order to today. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. In Scotland, the Templar headquarters were at a place called Balantrodoch, just outside the Scottish capital of Edinburgh. $20.95. The Templar Degrees of the Scottish Rite The Order of the Temple of Solomon. in a Brodie, charter of date 1626 the lands of Pitfundie are included in The loss of the Cartularies of the Preceptories has left us in great ignorance regarding the history of the Order in Scotland. Lewis Masonic. East and West Rites used equallyAs primarily serving in the East, the primary place the Templar worshipped was in the East Orthodox churches. Published on September 26, 2022. 2 William the Lion, who reigned from 1165 to 1214, gifted to the Knights the Barony of Maryculter, which extended to 8000 acres. * Sir William de Harcourt, 1216. - The Templar Knight. At this time the Freemasonry ranks and titles were under full protection of the Crown, along with the genealogical recognitions of the Noble Knight family's inheritance. TheKnights Templar certainly operated in Scotlandbefore their dissolution, primarily as landlordsand moneylenders. A group of Scottish Knights and Templars under the commandership of Sir James Douglas take Bruces Heart to the Holy Land, but make a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in Spain, and take part in the first great successful battle against the Moors at Teba, Calavatra, (this is where the name Braveheart comes from when Douglas throws the heart . The west entrance to Rosslyn Chapel, surmounted by a magnificent rose window with an "engrailed" cross. And any old documents relating to the Royal Britannic Association entitled its members to the designation 'Sir'. [18] In Michael T.R.B Turnbull's book Rosslyn Chapel Revealed he states that "Eighteen years after the suppression of the Order, Sir William Sainteclaire, in the role of a Crusader(not Templar), made a brave and honourable bid to fulfil the wishes of his late monarch, King Robert The Bruce". The Knights Templar were members of the religious military order of knighthood that played a significant role during the Crusades. Henry SinclairThe Templars had fought at Bannockburn under the command of Henry Sinclair, whom Bruce made Prince of Rosslyn and the Orkney Islands. We currently recognize, and are recognized by, the following Templar organizations: Ordo Militiae Christi Templi Hierosolymitani (OMCTH) General Sekretariat.