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Just listen. Which is why in 1850, when P.T. I'm Jad Abumrad. And it's wet at my feet and I'm feeling while I'm in there that this is miserable. But there's a difference between being able to predict what will happen and be able to explain why it happens. Extension: the podcast connects to the present with a quote from Trump about taking down Washington's and Jefferson's monuments since Confederate monuments are coming down as well. Falling time, how do you. Produced by Found The Musical / Killer Films Media / Wondery. Well, if you go back about a thousand years, know, it was thought that they consorted with witches, with the devil and their reputation got darker and darker. Sort of like a Lusi echo. Yeah. He was in his helmet. That would be impossible under normal circumstances. Similar to UnFictional There was my young husband and his arms are baby trembling and whimpering. and then keeps right on going. He walked. That Fanny Taylor. This is actually the first one of my first radio pieces to hear what we're saying as we're in freefall. Yeah. He said, if you imagine the universe as a vast rubber mat, a rubber mat held really, really taut, let's just take a wider and let's take the earth and just plop it on to the mat. I loved him, yeah, so much. Unexplainable takes listeners right up to the edge of what we know . I had become lost. No, that's my term. Yeah, we would see each other around at parties. Well, this is a very difficult concept. You were walking wusses, Niagara Falls is one of the great forces of nature, every second 600000 gallons fall over the edge, pound rocks below with such a fury that you can hear it five miles away. Review our. And Annie shows up, waving to the crowd, wearing a very fancy Victorian dress and a hat with ostrich feathers. And the pin falls because it's following a contour in that curved space time environment. The San Gabriel mountains, location of the crash site, are north of what major U.S. city? So it was a leap. That transition right there from falling body to floating body. And then one day I woke up and swear to God, like all the leaves fell off, the trees fall turn into winter, and Simon told Cerita it was over something about a core that I'm lacking. Imperfect Paradise is a longform narrative podcast showcasing California stories with universal significance. But does that does that solve the what is gravity question? I started wondering what happened falling. And when she read about these guys at Niagara Falls. November 18, 2022 Ftbol Confidential looks at AYSO, American homegrown soccer culture. Was he in his helmet or had the helmet blown off? Its UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson. But what happens is that stretch continues beyond comfort levels. Did that did that make you step back at all? She was 63. But to try to remember a thousand or 2000 of those, how do you pick it up? Um, how do I want to know this is tape to you? Who was that person to you? And after falling about nine floors and accelerating the speeds up to about 60 miles an hour, something happens. Can't remember how I came across this podcast but so glad I did. Or falling, falling, falling, that means to be a real good idea, to wake up from that sleep was such a dangerous proposition for so many millions of years that something like the hip knee jerk, if some of those primates had that behavior, they may have been just slightly more likely over millions of years to to adapt and survive. So I went in, applied, and I ended up in the beginning cleaning toilets, but I just got in to fall asleep. Sandbox is Science Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. He also, though, surfed every morning and played poker on the beach with all these crazy, dudes. Ollestad says his father often told him not to worry about what youre supposed to do. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. School Duval Charter School at Baymeadows Course Title ELA 123 Uploaded By JudgePowerJaguar13 Pages 3 Ratings 100% (2) This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 3 pages. Well, this is a love story and in some ways it's a very typical love story. A device gives us a peak at the alternate universe versions of the podcast and we get a grim look at what could have been had Unpitchable never been born. As I was driving over here, I was thinking about it OK, with each step. He had an experience which he says changed his life. Ancestress the worst d o jatt. This is before the cable gets cut. Yes. I'm not sure what it means. It appears to be this what seems to be a reflex. So what is the agent responsible for the pole? But according to David, it's actually not as much of a shame as you would think. The most anticipated trick, the one that everybody was waiting for was somebody going over the falls in the barrel. What do you mean? The story of an 11-year-old boy, the only survivor of a plane crash, who has to make his way down a mountain to find rescue. How is that guy? Within like a few seconds, he's at 100 miles an hour. Really nervous right now. It turns out the fabric of space and time funnels down towards a black hole. I like it the best. No one. Now you are two pieces now. Street vendors are an essential part of Los Angeles history and its economy. From teenagers to octogenarians, prisoners to prison guards, bra saleswomen to lighthouse keepers. Got a mini disc strapped to his chest. That's exactly what they're doing. He said you were lacking a core. On the day of the flight, young Norman Ollestad notices especially thick clouds and overhears a radio warning, about the weather. It's something more interesting than that, because here's the thing. It is the 50s and at Niagara Falls, you've got these two guys doing tightrope tricks over the falls. So how do you explain that? Well, the first thing I did, I took my entire laboratory to Astral World, which is the amusement park here in Houston. And it's not obvious how he took the final step, but the final step was to realize that the what is gravity is the curvature of space and time. #recommended show, well that remmmmmmmmmmmmmmmminded me if ross caprichonis story,not on here btw. June 9, 2022 In 'El Pueblo,' producer Mike Schilitt explores the surprising history of Olvera Street an idealized fantasy of Mexico created in downtown Los Angeles that has supported generations of Agelenos. So I mean, how in the world do cats I mean, we all know cats land on their feet. She took on this thing that the world was waiting for, and she did it. So, for example, I just recently interviewed a gentleman who had been in a motorcycle accident, and as his helmet was bouncing along off the asphalt, he was composing a little song to the rhythm of his helmet bouncing. Sounds like a delicious fruit salad. At first, he refused to build it when he heard what her plan was. It's a Radiolab dot org. So what just happened? The more people started to distrust and dislike cats, the more they started to do horrible things to them. Well, it sunk into the rubber. Well, I came to understand that it's a trick of memory. It's black. That's he was here before, I guess far too loudly was here. She actually works in the in the veterinary hospital here at the Animal Medical Center. That's right. Another way of saying it, the flip it around, it may make it more clear, just as you can turn gravity off by snapping the cable, you can actually simulate gravity by pulling on the cable that pulls that elevator up really, really quickly, because now the scale is running into your feet. But I wouldn't that I would see her. "The Kitchen Sisters have done some of best radio stories ever broadcast" Ira G Have you ever found a note on the ground, maybe meant for someone else? Oh, I'm Robert Krulwich. Available now 28 minutes Last on. Her muscles loosen, her hands curl. Its about the stuff that connects us on this journey called LIFE. If you need more space for an answer, feel free to continue. A man finds an old reel to reel tape that reveals much more than just flying saucers and alien conspiracytheories. That's what I really was falling for about him. But then about, oh, there's a little spill. But you're always falling. And for now, Einstein, imagine this person standing actually on a bathroom scale in the elevator, in the elevator. But just as you're about to go under, he says just that the first onset of sleep found one big jaw. All the pieces falling apart. And I had two friends who were in love. For Norman Ollestad, that understanding started to kick in on that February day just after sunrise, in a stormy sky over Ontario Peak. The story of an 11-year-old boy, the only survivor of a plane crash, who has to make his way down a mountain to find rescue. You know, as college students, what are the most common dreams that you have? It's just awkward. Nick has a lot of dating experience (on TV as The Bachelor and off), so he likes to think he knows what he's talking about. One mans treasure is another mans Olympic gold medal. Normally the trivial stuff gets dumped, but in this situation it gets written and then you realize how much trivial stuff is in there. Stories are higher. The only survivor was an 11year old boy. And apparently there are fourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty two ways to fall on the radio in this hour, we'll bring you up to date. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Transcription Convert your audio to text. The cats would land on their feet and walk away. The summer before the crash Ollestad and his father were in Mexico. But there's so much we still don't know. I just really I really like the. I enjoyed both seasons of the podcast, and listened often. One article in particular that he wrote caught our attention. I heard it. Norman Jr. describes his dad, Norman Ollestad, Sr., as a straight-laced, kind of 1950s guy, with a law degree and a job with the FBI. A hybrid of online radio, podcast and YouTube live from 06h00 to 08h00 Gareth and his team bring you unradio unscripted, uncensored, real conversations about everything that happens in our world, everything we all experience every day, what makes us think makes us laugh makes us cry makes us angry inspires us and makes us human. Every house is haunted. Come back. Here's an environment where, in essence, I can turn gravity off. Welcome to The Viall Files, the podcast that talks about relationships. What and by the way, the next most common dream after falling to being chased. And so. Now the barrel crash is back. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Then, discuss the program or use the materials I built to add more structure and rigor to the lesson. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Wanted to watch some clothes out there. Steve. OK, you're hooked up to a carabiner. Hello, hello, hello. So I started asking my clinician friends and they say, well, they have a poor sense of balance, muscle weakness. Unbelievably true stories of chance encounters that changed everything. I calculated that later there'll be one 1000 in this whole experience, left David Eagleman with a question that he could not get out of his mind. Hopefully the show gets a third season. I like it, though. What does that mean, though? This hour, Radiolab dives into stories of great falls. Yeah, that's what he's saying. Stay indoors. We talked a lot in class and after class on the paths around campus. Yeah, I got to just walk by. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Wow. There he planned to write a novel, but instead he learned how to be alone. This is Fred Coolidge, all about the hypnagogic by. 25 episodes In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. And speaking of history and fears and Thrills, and I would add to that list tragedy. OK, we're going to try now to eighty milliseconds OK to eighty go went down to tumble. Radiolab is supported in part by the National Science Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. And Fluffy says, I'd like that pigeon out there. You hit an equilibrium between the pull of gravity and wind resistance. Prosopagnosia. New episodes come out every Monday for free, with 1-week early access when you join Amazon Music or 1-week early and ad-free for Wondery+ subscribers He got out there and he put the stove down and lit a fire, had a couple of eggs in a frying pan and made an omelet right over this churning like rapid. But then it hit her gravity. The project also features a dynamic online archive featuring many of Deirdre's most legendary interviews and in-studio performances, newly transferred and remastered from the original source tapes. It was incredible. And as she gets closer to the edge, it's about a half mile journey. He was playing in his subdivision in Houston and there was a house nearby that was under construction. Oh, my God. OK, so I want you to imagine this you're up in the sky, you are facing the clouds, not the ground. The Heart is an audio art project and podcast about intimacy and humanity. We love to laugh, be silly, and get deep! So your torso will stay alive for a little while, OK, until you bleed to death. Well, we're we're about to fall away, I think we yes. Well, say you're living on the 30th floor of a building and it's summertime. And I don't know, it's like this moment of somebody falling out of control. "The Kitchen Sisters have done some of best radio stories ever broadcast" Ira G Have you ever found a note on the ground, maybe meant for someone else? The best Unfictional is the best. Norman did become a young ski champion, but he was also a normal 11-year-old kid who mostly wanted to do his own thing on his own time, and he resented the pressure from his father, But it's the same for most of us, the important things we learn from our parents don't really come into focus until much later in life. The new season of UnFictional is right around the corner. Maurcio, star of a hit Mexican television show, is abandoned in the desert while trying to cross the border. Ftbol Confidential looks at the legendary LA city league soccer team formed over beers in a Santa Monica pub by British expatriates. Should have a higher rating because this podcast rules. OK, how much of that have you heard this tape? Like times not slowing in the moment, but seems to be slowing after the moment? Lecture's in San Francisco. And as I started to look at the literature, I saw that we had a very long history sleeping in trees. A film version is currently in production. The car, the core of what I what I was trying to talk about was lingering doubt whether whether this was it wondering could I fall further? Featuring archival live performances by Camper Van Beethoven, the Meat Puppets, Glass Eye, Jazz Butcher, the Dream Synd UnFictional host Bob Carlsons journey on the inside of rock and roll radio. Learn more at In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. And out of those twenty two, only one died to twenty one cats survived from eight. Good God, I knew the car would come up. Podcast Republic is one of the most popular podcast platforms on the world serving 1M+ podcasts and 500M+ episodes worldwide. Did you feel like you at a certain point started to actually fall out of love with him? Meanwhile, almost every element of producer Jaime Roque's life was upended by the transmorgrifier: new job, marriage, and prospective fatherhood. Its about the stuff that connects us on this journey called LIFE. Has it pull it? So if light doesn't come out, nothing's coming out. Right now you running now something that happens in let's say multiple sclerosis and maybe also when you get old, says David, is that the timing starts to change because there's damage to the sheathing around the nerves and that slows down certain signals. And she was broke. So we had to get a physicist to help us explain this. This, of course, is Simon. AMAA. What he means is gravity is pulling down on you in the peak pull is between five and nine floors for a cat. A secret road to a California paradise. Still ahead. To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. Yeah, it was it in Philly was in Philly on Sansom Street, a year and a half goes by. Throwing out the window really? Yeah, I probably said if you, you know, went to the park and started looking at trees, the shapes are different. There's all there's it goes on and on. Grandmothers who were secretly jewel smugglers, uncles who led double lives, siblings who vanished without a trace, and other ghostly characters who cast shadows over our lives in ways that might not be immediately obvious. Everything looks good. Do we know this or we just know how are we going to know this story? Over the last couple of years, it feels like everyone has been through the transmogrifier in one way or another. A pair of mail-order shoes that led to the film The Outsiders. That's in her own house. Yeah. I don't remember it, but I'm sure that that was the starting point because it was in that journal that David ran across a research paper by two vets, Wayne Whitney and Cheryl Melikhov, who worked in the Midtown Veterinary Hospital. A secret road to a California paradise. Each of the five easy-prep lessons in this download include: And I said, What is that? Her only child had died, her husband right after that. Everyone was there, mobs of people. Can you hear me? Wayne Shorters all seeing eye: A tribute and final conversation with the jazz pioneer, Adam Scott, Lee Edward Colston II, and Sandy King Carpenter on The Treat, Wintering and enchantment: A pathway to healing and happiness, Born of persecution, Parsi cooking melds Persian and Indian cuisines, Playwright and actor Lee Edward Colston II on the beauty of a Black audience.